International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080)2025-01-06T04:22:42+00:00DR. NOORSAFUAN BIN CHE Journal Systems<p align="justify">Founded in 2018, <em><strong>BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences</strong></em> (e-ISSN 2600-9080) is a refereed international journal of civilizational studies and human sciences; published quarterly, and can be said to be the newest academic journal dealing with the theme in Malaysia.</p> <p> </p> <p align="justify">The international perspective is also reflected by the journal’s trilingual approach; it is published in <strong>Malay, English and Arabic languages</strong>. The published articles as well as comments, research reports, book reviews, conference papers and others are on civilizational studies as well as other fields written from human sciences perspectives. In order to encourage academic brainstorming, we are soliciting your contributions throughout the year.</p> <p> </p> <p align="justify">All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Open Access Policy</strong></p> <p>This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency</strong></p> <p>Quarterly (January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December)</p> Literatur Penentuan Item Hadd al-Kifayah di Malaysia Berdasarkan Maqasid Syariah [Literature Review on the Determination of Hadd al-Kifayah Items in Malaysia Based on Maqasid Syariah]2024-09-19T07:05:42+00:00Abdul Muzil Abd Nazir Fakhri<p><em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> merupakan konsep penting yang dipraktikkan dalam pengagihan harta zakat bagi memastikan kelangsungan hidup golongan asnaf terutamanya fakir dan miskin terjaga. Di Malaysia, walaupun terdapat garis panduan umum yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Wakaf, Haji dan Zakat (JAWHAR), pelaksanaan <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> masih menunjukkan variasi antara negeri. Ketidakseragaman ini, yang berpunca daripada struktur pentadbiran agama yang desentralisasi, telah menimbulkan cabaran dalam memastikan keadilan dan konsistensi dalam penentuan status asnaf. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dapatan kajian lepas berkaitan penentuan <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> di Malaysia berdasarkan maqasid syariah. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif berbentuk kajian kes yang mengguna pakai metode analisis kandungan secara deskriptif dan tematik. Sumber-sumber berautoriti dalam Islam seperti al-Quran, hadis dan kitab-kitab fiqh turut dirujuk, di samping artikel-artikel berkaitan <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em>. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa keanjalan konsep <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> telah membuka ruang untuk mengintegrasikan elemen-elemen kontemporari seperti caruman KWSP, tabung haji, takaful, perubatan, hutang <em>daruriyyah</em>, teknologi, dan komunikasi dalam penetapan item <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> di Malaysia. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa terdapat gesaan daripada pengkaji lepas agar kajian berkaitan <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> ini diterokai menggunakan kerangka maqasid syariah bagi mempertingkatkan keberkesanan zakat di Malaysia. Kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat keperluan agar penyelidikan yang dapat menghubungkan pendekatan Islam dan konvensional dalam menangani isu kemiskinan di Malaysia dijalankan. Implikasi kajian ini diharap dapat dijadikan justifikasi dan panduan dalam membangunkan standard penentuan <em>?</em><em>add al-kif?yah</em> baharu sebagai asas dan rujukan kepada setiap negeri dalam menentukan asnaf fakir dan miskin..</p> <p>?add al-kif?yah is an important concept practiced in the distribution of zakat funds to ensure the livelihood of the asnaf, particularly the poor and needy. In Malaysia, although general guidelines are provided by the Department of Wakaf, Hajj, and Zakat (JAWHAR), the implementation of ?add al-kif?yah still varies across states. This inconsistency, resulting from the decentralized structure of religious administration, has posed challenges in ensuring fairness and consistency in determining the status of asnaf. Therefore, this article aims to analyse previous research findings related to the determination of ?add al-kif?yah in Malaysia based on the maqasid shariah. This study is a qualitative case study that employs content analysis using descriptive and thematic methods. Authoritative Islamic sources such as the Qur’an, Hadith, and fiqh texts were also referred to, along with relevant articles on ?add al-kif?yah. The findings reveal that the flexibility of the ?add al-kif?yah concept has allowed for the integration of contemporary elements such as EPF contributions, pilgrimage savings, takaful, healthcare, essential debts, technology, and communication in determining ?add al-kif?yah items in Malaysia. The study also found that previous researchers have urged that studies related to ?add al-kif?yah be explored using the maqasid shariah framework to enhance the effectiveness of zakat in Malaysia. Furthermore, the research highlights the need for studies that can bridge Islamic and conventional approaches in addressing poverty issues in Malaysia. The implications of this study are expected to serve as a justification and guide in developing a new standard for determining ?add al-kif?yah, which can be used as a basis and reference by each state in identifying the asnaf categories of poor and needy</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) of the Creativity Practice Framework for Teaching Engineering Drawing Teachers (CP-EDT) at SMT Malaysia: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)2024-10-19T11:43:04+00:00Suriana Ngatiman alsuriana782@yahoo.comMuhammad Sukri<p>A creative teacher will automatically inspire students to be creative. Teachers' teaching creativity practices are the most important thing to enable students' concentration in the classroom as well as make ongoing teaching and learning more interesting and meaningful. Realizing the importance of creativity in teacher teaching, the study to identify the constructs, sub-constructs and elements of the Creativity Practice Framework for Teaching Engineering Drawing Teachers (CP-EDT) was conducted with the aim of developing a framework that can be used as a guide and reference by all teachers and related parties. To answer the question of the study related to the design of the CP-EDT framework, the researcher used EFA analysis to identify, reduce and arrange the elements into specific constructs as well as identify the ability of the elements to measure each construct based on the value of the factor weights, in addition to involving the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Test (KMO) and the Bartlett Sphericity Test. The findings of the study show that each element can represent a sub-construct and the measured construct is reliable and in accordance with the measurement model of this study. Furthermore, the KMO value has also been complied with and shows the adequacy of the sample involved and the variance and dimension values of a construct have also been complied with. The findings also show that the Designing TL construct consists of four sub-constructs followed by 20 elements. The Learning Guiding Construct consists of three sub-constructs and contains 15 elements. Meanwhile, there are three sub-constructs of Implementing TL which also contain 15 elements. Furthermore, there are three sub-constructs and 15 elements contained in the building of the Creative Community Building. Finally, the results show that 15 elements are contained in three sub-constructs for the Estimating construct. The findings of this study are very important to enable researchers to continue the development process of the CP-EDT framework. It is hoped that this study can create teachers' awareness of creativity and make it a practice in to increase the effectiveness of teaching optimally as well as produce creative, innovative and competitive human capital in line with the development of globalization today.</p>2024-10-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Scaffolding Framework Using Mind Maps and Metacomponents to Improve Real-World Physics Problem-Solving Skills2024-09-11T06:27:18+00:00Siti Nazirah Butaisitinazirah@graduate.utm.myFatin Aliah<p>Traditionally, physics problem-solving has mainly focused on mathematical procedures and quantitative analysis, often leading students to rely on memorization and repetitive drills. However, introduction to real-world physics problem-solving (RWPPS) has proven to provide students with skills that can be applied in various real-world situations beyond the classroom. RWPPS is considered a complex problem-solving process with a combination of multiple skills, making it challenging for students. Metacomponents are higher-order control processes that are used for planning how a problem should be solved, deciding on which strategy should be used during problem-solving and monitoring the success of one’s problem-solving. Therefore, this paper synthesizes literature in RWPPS and metacomponents to develop a conceptual framework to implement a suitable scaffolding strategy for pre-university students to improve their RWPPS skills. Vygotsky's theory of Social Constructivism, which is based on the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), is used as a basis for evaluating the development of students' skills in RWPPS. This framework incorporates mind maps as a scaffolding tool and metacomponents as an executive process to assist students in planning, monitoring, and evaluating their problem-solving process. Through this proposed framework, it is hoped that students will be able to surpass their ZPD, providing a more structured teaching approach to solving real-world physics problems and enhancing their skills to meet the challenges of the 21-st century.</p>2024-10-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Semula Manuskrip Arab-Melayu Koleksi Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia [Review of the Arabic-Malay Manuscripts Collection of the National Library of Malaysia]2024-10-19T12:54:32+00:00Amer Hudhaifah Azizul Che<p>Manuskrip Melayu merupakan tinggalan sejarah Asia Tenggara yang sangat bernilai. Antara genrenya ialah kitab berbahasa Arab yang mencerminkan pemikiran dan tradisi beragama masyarakat Islam di Nusantara. Tetapi disebabkan masalah definisi manuskrip Melayu dan ketiadaan syarat khusus berkaitan penguasaan bahasa-bahasa berkaitan untuk mereka yang terlibat mendokumentasi manuskrip Arab-Melayu, lantas telah mengakibatkan beberapa kelemahan kepada Katalog Manuskrip Melayu Koleksi Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, khususnya terbitan tahun 2000. MSS 2257 diambil sebagai contoh bagi membuktikan kelemahan ini. Berdasarkan bacaan semula MSS 2257, didapati ia merupakan manuskrip miscellany yang mengandungi 12 judul kitab. Ternyata salah sebuah kitab bahasa Arab dalam kumpulan ini milik Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i, yang terlepas pandang oleh sebab polisi mengesampingkan manuskrip bahasa selain Melayu. Ketiadaan syarat penguasaan bahasa yang berkaitan juga menyebabkan katalog manuskrip Melayu (2000) menggunakan laras umum yang akhirnya mengakibatkan kekeliruan pengguna semasa mencari maklumat. Kajian mencadangkan agar masalah seperti diselesaikan segera supaya akibatnya tidak berterusan dan pengajian manuskrip Melayu boleh berjalan dengan lancar di masa-masa akan datang.</p> <p>The Malay manuscripts are a valuable historical legacy of Southeast Asia. Among their genres are Arabic-language texts that reflect the thoughts and religious traditions of the Islamic community in the Nusantara. However, issues regarding the definition of Malay manuscripts and the lack of specific criteria related to language proficiency for those involved in documenting Arabic-Malay manuscripts have led to several weaknesses in the Malay Manuscripts Catalog of the National Library of Malaysia, particularly the publication from 2000. MSS 2257 is taken as an example to illustrate this weakness. Upon reviewing MSS 2257, it was found to be a miscellany manuscript containing 12 titles. Notably, one of the Arabic texts in this collection belongs to Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i, which was overlooked due to the policy of sidelining manuscripts in languages other than Malay. The absence of language proficiency criteria also resulted in the Malay manuscript catalog (2000) using general terminology, ultimately causing confusion for users seeking information. The study suggests that such issues should be addressed promptly to prevent ongoing consequences and to ensure that the study of Malay manuscripts can proceed smoothly in the future.</p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) for The Prohibition of Foods: A Hadith Jurisprudential Study2024-10-19T13:36:22+00:00Rabie Ibrahim Mohamed Fauzi Ab<p>The issue of halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden) foods, drinks, and medicine holds significant importance in the life of a Muslim. The Prophet emphasized that consuming halal is crucial for prayers to be accepted. Meat sourced from forbidden means is strongly condemned, with the expression that such meat is more rightful for fire than consumption. Prohibited substances in foods, drinks, and medications may be forbidden outright or due to how they were obtained, in accordance with Sharia law. The study discussed both historical and contemporary as Islamic jurisprudence specifies prohibitions, permissions, and areas where it remains silent. The study examines the reasons for food prohibitions based on the Quran and Sunnah. It addresses challenges posed by modern foods that are not present during the time of revelation, aiming to clarify regulations, rules, and the rationale behind the prohibition of certain foods. The study identifies four main reasons for food prohibitions: impurity, intoxication, harm, and violations of dignity. Foods forbidden include explicitly impure items or specific categories like animals with fangs or birds with talons, as well as those known or suspected of being harmful. Prohibited foods also encompass those commanded to be killed or prohibited from being killed, carrion, products generated through improper means, and items not explicitly permitted by Sharia, such as usury or stolen property. Overall, the research aims to elucidate the principles behind food prohibitions in Islam, particularly concerning modern foods to ensure adherence to Islamic dietary laws and principles</p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Konsep al-Wilayah dalam Mendepani Cabaran Media Sosial dalam Kalangan Kanak-kanak [The Application of al-Wilayah Concept in Facing Social Media Challenges Among Children]2024-09-19T09:44:01+00:00Nur Asmaa’ Nabilah Fakhri<p>Media sosial adalah salah satu medium komunikasi moden yang berkembang di abad-21. Pengguna media sosial semakin bertambah khususnya dalam kalangan kanak-kanak, berikutan fenomena pandemik Covid-19 yang melanda dunia beberapa tahun ke belakang. Oleh itu, keterlibatan kanak-kanak dengan media sosial semakin membimbangkan disebabkan perkara tersebut boleh memberi kesan kepada pemikiran dan sahsiah kanak-kanak, mengganggu perkembangan kanak-kanak dari segi pembelajaran dan kesihatan, serta mendedahkan informasi yang kurang sesuai kepada mereka. Oleh yang demikian, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor keterlibatan kanak-kanak dengan media sosial, dan pengaplikasian konsep <em>al-wil?yah</em> oleh ibu bapa dalam menghadapi cabaran media sosial kepada kanak-kanak dengan menekankan perspektif syarak sebagai penanda aras. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen dan temu bual semi-berstruktur terhadap dua orang pakar dalam bidang undang-undang kekeluargaan Islam. Di samping itu, kajian disusun secara tematik dengan bantuan perisian <em>Atlas.ti</em> bagi pembinaan topik dan subtopik yang merangkumi skop kajian. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa ilmu pengetahuan ibu bapa, komunikasi dua hala dengan anak-anak, pemantauan dan literasi media oleh ibu bapa merupakan penyelesaian <em>al-wil?yah</em> yang paling sesuai untuk diaplikasikan dalam pengawalan media sosial kanak-kanak. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberi satu penambahbaikan kepada institusi kekeluargaan Islam dengan mengutamakan kepentingan <em>al-wil?yah</em> dalam mendepani cabaran untuk mendidik generasi seterusnya.</p> <p>Social media is one of the modern communication mediums that has grown significantly in the 21st century. The number of social media users has increased, particularly among children, following the global COVID-19 pandemic in recent years. Consequently, children’s engagement with social media has become increasingly concerning, as it can affect their thinking and behaviour, disrupt their development in terms of learning and health, and expose them to inappropriate information. Therefore, this article aims to explore the factors driving children’s involvement with social media and the application of the concept of <em>al-wil?yah</em> by parents in addressing the challenges posed by social media to children, with an emphasis on Islamic perspectives as a benchmark. This study is qualitative in nature, utilizing document analysis and semi-structured interviews with two experts in the field of Islamic family law. Additionally, the research is organized thematically with the assistance of Atlas.ti software for the construction of topics and subtopics within the scope of the study. The findings reveal that parents’ knowledge, two-way communication with children, parental monitoring, and media literacy are the most appropriate <em>al-wil?yah</em> solutions to be applied in controlling children’s social media usage. This study is expected to provide an enhancement to Islamic family institutions by emphasizing the importance of <em>al-wil?yah</em> in addressing the challenges of educating future generations.</p>2024-10-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Significance of Hukum Kanun Melaka's Fasal 44 in Regulating Crimes and Punishments2024-10-21T10:24:04+00:00Nur Ain Zuhirah Mohd Amsyar Sharafuddin Mohd<p>This paper examines the historical legal system known as Hukum Kanun Melaka and compares it to the modern criminal justice system. Hukum Kanun Melaka, a comprehensive legal code developed during the 15th century, governed various aspects of society in the Malacca Empire. The analysis explores various aspects of crime and justice, including definitions of crimes, investigative methods, trial procedures, and sentencing practices. By comparing the two systems, we gain insights into the changes that have occurred over time, such as the emergence of legal protections, the influence of human rights principles, and the impact of technology on crime detection and punishment. The Hukum Kanun Melaka prioritized social stability and property rights protection, imposing severe punishments to deter criminal activities. In contrast, the modern criminal justice system emphasizes due process, the presumption of innocence, proportionality in punishment, and the protection of individual rights. Understanding the evolution of legal norms and practices contributes to discussions on making the contemporary criminal justice system more equitable and effective.</p>2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Quran Literacy: An Exploration on Proficiency Level of Reading Quran Among UiTM Penang Branch Students2024-10-21T12:05:59+00:00Habibah Shahirah Mat<p>This study assesses the Quranic reading proficiency of students at UiTM Pulau Pinang, focusing on seven domains of recitation and examining the relationship between proficiency and demographic factors such as gender, educational background, and prior religious education. A total of 73 students participated in a Quran reading test, and the data was analysed using the <em>Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22</em>. The findings reveal that most students demonstrated a very good level of proficiency in recognizing letters, pronouncing them according to <em>Makhraj</em>, and reading connection words fluently. Additionally, students showed good proficiency in reading fluently and adhering to short and long vowel rules. However, their performance was fair in applying Tajwid rules and poor in reading with Tarannum. Correlation analysis indicates a positive relationship between fluency and other domains such as adhering to short and long vowels, reading connection words fluently, and applying Tajwid rules. A negligible link was found between Tarannum and letter recognition. An independent t-test showed no significant differences in proficiency based on gender or prior Quranic recitation experience. However, there were significant differences in proficiency based on educational background and prior religious education, with p-values of 0.039 and 0.031, respectively. Overall, Quranic proficiency among students is influenced by various factors, particularly prior religious education.</p>2024-10-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Evolution of Mak Yong Traditional Malay Theatre in Istana Budaya2024-09-29T11:19:44+00:00Norzizi<p><em>Mak Yong</em> is a traditional Malay theatre form that originated in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. It encompasses numerous elements such as dancing, singing, music, improvisational acting, dialogues, storytelling, and rituals. This article examines the efforts made by <em>Istana Budaya </em>(Palace of Culture<em>),</em> the Malaysian National Theatre in Kuala Lumpur to sustain the traditional art form through several productions spanning from 2003 to 2019. The aim of this research is to examine the expansion of <em>Mak Yong</em> performances presented by <em>Istana Budaya</em>. It is a government organisation that responsible in sustaining the traditional Malay theatre in Malaysia. This study employed a qualitative methodology, historical research and content analysis including conducting interviews with participants and examining each of the <em>Mak Yong</em> performances in <em>Istana Budaya</em>. The analysis discovered that <em>Mak Yong</em> performances in <em>Istana Budaya</em> evolves from its convention as it the staging shifted from the rural set up to the modern staging. Secondly, <em>Istana Budaya</em> introduced a male actor to play the role of <em>Pak Yong</em>. The role of <em>Pak Yong</em> the male king has been played by female actors since 1923.Thirdly, it is discovered that <em>Istana Budaya</em> produced numbers of <em>Mak Yong</em> amateur performers in Kuala Lumpur. The tradition changed from professional Kelantanese <em>Mak Yong</em> performers, which learnt throughout their lifetime in Kelantan, to the performers who learned <em>Mak Yong</em> at the rehearsal sessions, and it is currently learned by non Kelantanese. It argues that the <em>Istana Budaya’s Mak Yong</em> productions have evolve <em>Mak Yong</em> performances from their conventional in Kelantan to the modern stage and urban audience. This research emphasizes that <em>Istana Budaya</em> is making a significant and meaningful contribution to the preservation and continuation of the <em>Mak Yong</em> tradition.</p>2024-10-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Pertikaian Agama di Malaysia Melalui Pendekatan Penyelasaian Alternatif (Alternatif Dispute Resoution) [The Management of Religious Disputes in Malaysia Through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms]2024-10-23T02:25:10+00:00Nur Farhana Abdul Rahayu<p>Penyelesaian Pertikaian Alternatif (PPA) atau disebut sebagai <em>Alternative Dispute Resolution</em> (ADR) merupakan satu alternatif pengurusan pertikaian agama yang melibatkan proses undang-undang yang kurang memakan masa dan melibatkan kos yang lebih murah dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian. Namun, penggunaannya di Malaysia didapati mempunyai halangan dan cabaran terutamanya dalam menyelesaikan isu antara agama. Justeru artikel ini membincangkan konsep penyelesaian pertikaian alternatif (PPA/ADR) serta cabarannya dalam pengurusan isu antara agama di Malaysia. Artikel ini merupakan artikel secara sorotan literatur yang berkaitan dengan konsep dan jenis pendekatan pertikaian alternatif yang sesuai digunakan dalam pengurusan pertikaian isu antara agama di Malaysia. Hasil utama kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat tiga pendekatan yang alternatif yang digunakan dalam pengurusan isu antara agama di Malaysia iaitu rundingan, mediasi dan abritari. Setiap satu pendekatan ini digunakan terhadap isu yang sesuai dengan matlamat pendekatan tersebut. Cabaran utama dalam pelaksanaan penyelesaian pertikai alternatif adalah kebolehan mengurus campur tangan pihak luar yang memburuk keadaan, latihan profesional ADR, personaliti yang perlu ditunjukkan oleh fasilitator, mediator, arbitrator serta kerjasama kedua-dua pihak yang bertikai semasa proses penyelesaian dijalankan. Oleh itu, penyelidik berharap kajian lanjut akan dijalankan untuk mengatasi halangan dan cabaran tersebut serta membuka mata masyarakat terhadap penggunaan kaedah penyelesaian pertikaian alternatif dalam menangani konflik agama.</p> <p>Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an alternative method for managing religious disputes, involving legal processes that are less time-consuming and more cost-effective in resolving conflicts.However, its application in Malaysia faces barriers and challenges, particularly in addressing interfaith issues. Therefore, this article discusses the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and its challenges in managing interfaith issues in Malaysia. The article is a literature review of concepts and types of alternative dispute resolution approaches suitable for managing interfaith conflicts in the country. The key findings reveal that three alternative approaches are employed in managing interfaith issues in Malaysia, namely Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration. Each of these approaches is applied according to the specific issue and the intended goals of the method. The primary challenges in implementing alternative dispute resolution include managing external interventions that worsen the situation, the professional training of ADR practitioners, the personalities required of facilitators, mediators, and arbitrators, as well as the cooperation of both disputing parties during the resolution process. Therefore, the researchers hope that further studies will be conducted to overcome these barriers and challenges, while also raising public awareness of the use of alternative dispute resolution methods in handling religious conflicts.</p>2024-10-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) the Gap: Addressing Gender Disparities in the Menstruation Knowledge and Awareness among IPTA Student2024-10-28T10:01:46+00:00Siti Shahirah Mat Liyana Mohd Ain Farhanah Aisyah Naurah Mohamad<p>Menstruation is a natural biological process once in a month for every woman, yet many societies nevertheless view it negatively. In Islam, it recognized as normal physiological occurrence with instruction to women in doing religious responsibilities and interacting with others. Despite the prevalence of menstruation, the awareness and knowledge of menstruation varies significantly across men and women in Malaysia. This study was therefore conducted to evaluate the students' awareness and understanding of menstruation at the UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Bertam Campus. Additionally, the study evaluates demographic that may have an impact on students' knowledge about menstruation. In addition to this, the current study is to evaluate the degree of menstruation knowledge and awareness among IPTA Muslim students as well as the relationship between menstruation knowledge and awareness based on gender difference. A comparative cross-sectional survey was administered to 106 students at the Bertam Campus of UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang in June 2023. Students' characteristics, menstrual awareness, and knowledge were gathered through a questionnaire. The collected data were analysed with statistical methods that are both descriptive and inferential using <em>Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22</em>. As a result, men and women had significantly different mean scores for all the menstruation-related knowledge domains. When it comes to all aspects of menstruation, women are more knowledgeable than males. Furthermore, a Mann-Whitney test was employed to examine the relationship between respondents' genders with their knowledge and awareness. Consequently, the results showed that for every domain of menstrual knowledge and awareness, there was a statistically significant difference between the male and female participants. In conclusion, their awareness and understanding of menstruation were influenced by their gender.</p>2024-10-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Pemikiran Pasca Islamisme dalam Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) [Comparative Study of Post Islamism Thought in Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)]2024-09-18T20:54:55+00:00Mohd Khairil Fitri Dimanm.khairilfitri5@gmail.comWan Fariza Alyati Wan<p>Kajian ini membincangkan tentang perbandingan pemikiran pasca-Islamisme dalam Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang menonjolkan perbezaan mendalam dalam pendekatan kedua-dua parti terhadap integrasi nilai-nilai Islam dalam politik Malaysia moden. PAS asalnya berpaksikan Islamisme tradisional telah mengalami evolusi ke arah lebih pragmatik dengan menekankan konsep “negara berkebajikan” serta interpretasi yang lebih fleksibel terhadap undang-undang syariah. Sebaliknya, PKR sejak awal penubuhannya mengutamakan prinsip <em>universal </em>dengan pengaruh Islam tanpa mengisytiharkan parti mereka sebagai parti Islam, sambil berusaha untuk menyeimbangkan kepentingan masyarakat pelbagai agama dan etnik. Pendekatan pasca-Islamisme yang diambil oleh kedua-dua parti mencerminkan dinamik perubahan dalam politik Malaysia di mana nilai-nilai Islam disepadukan dengan prinsip demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia, membentuk politik yang lebih inklusif dan responsif. Bentuk kajian yang digunakan adalah berpandukan reka bentuk kajian kualitatif analisis tema dan analisis perbandingan. Selain itu, kajian ini juga membincangkan sejarah kemunculan pasca Islamisme, sejarah penubuhan PAS dan PKR, pemikiran serta analisis perbandingan pemikiran pasca Islamisme antara PAS dan PKR. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa terdapat ciri-ciri pasca Islamisme dalam kedua-dua parti namun pendekatan yang dibawa oleh kedua-dua parti adalah berbeza. Perbezaan ini mencerminkan kepelbagaian dalam interpretasi dan aplikasi pemikiran pasca-Islamisme dalam konteks politik Malaysia.</p> <p>This study discusses the comparison of post-Islamist thought within the Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), highlighting significant differences in the approaches of both parties towards integrating Islamic values into modern Malaysian politics. PAS, originally rooted in traditional Islamism, has evolved towards a more pragmatic stance by emphasizing the concept of a “negara berkebajikan” and adopting a more flexible interpretation of Sharia law. In contrast, PKR, since its establishment, has prioritized universal principles with Islamic influence without explicitly declaring itself an Islamic party, while striving to balance the interests of a multi-religious and multi-ethnic society. The post-Islamist approaches taken by both parties reflect the dynamic changes in Malaysian politics, where Islamic values are integrated with democratic principles and human rights, forming a more inclusive and responsive political framework. The research adopts a qualitative design by thematic and comparative analysis. In addition, this study discusses the history of post-Islamism's emergence, the establishment of PAS and PKR, their ideological perspectives, and a comparative analysis of post-Islamism thought between PAS and PKR. The findings of this study reveal that both parties exhibit post-Islamism characteristics, but their approaches differ significantly. These differences reflect the diversity in interpretation and application of post-Islamism thought within the Malaysian political context.</p>2024-11-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) The Challenges Faced by Counselors in Gerontology Counseling Practice2024-10-09T10:31:43+00:00Nik Nazlan Nik Jaafarniknazlan99@gmail.comPau<p>By 2030, Malaysia is expected to transition into an aging nation, presenting unique mental health challenges for its elderly population. This demographic shift underscores the urgent need for counselors to develop specialized competencies that enable them to effectively support older clients. The main objective of this research was to explore the challenges counselors face when working with older adults. To achieve this, a qualitative research method was employed, using semi-structured interviews with 15 counselors registered with the Malaysian Board of Counselors who met specific inclusion criteria. Thematic analysis of the data revealed that counselors in gerontology counseling face a variety of complex challenges. One significant issue is the difficulty of assisting older adults who find it challenging to adjust to the counseling process. Counselors must maintain high levels of mental resilience, patience, and empathy, especially as they navigate the intricate dynamics of understanding their clients’ attitudes, characteristics, and the impact of physical and cognitive health issues on their mental well-being. Another challenge is the lack of accessible training and exposure to gerontology counseling, which limits counselors' ability to fully develop the necessary skills to meet the needs of this population. These findings emphasize the critical need for the development of a gerontology counseling competency model. Such a model would provide comprehensive guidelines and valuable references for counselors, enhancing their ability to meet the mental health needs of older adults. Additionally, it would support Malaysia's 2011 National Policy for Older Persons, highlighting the essential role counselors play in addressing the growing challenges associated with the aging population.</p> <p> </p>2024-11-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Digital Media for Self-Learning Arabic Vocabulary Through Arabic Loanwords in Malay2024-10-30T04:31:37+00:00Mohd Shahzuwan Ahmad Razakshahzuwanrazak@gmail.comIbrahim Isachekguyazid@gmail.comIzyan Izzati<p>The use of digital media in 21st-century language education is crucial, particularly for independent learning of Arabic vocabulary. With the right strategy, incorporating Arabic loanwords through digital media can enhance the effectiveness of student learning. This study aims to identify the most suitable digital media for independent learning of Arabic vocabulary using Arabic loanwords in Malay. Through a literature review approach, the study examines the effectiveness of digital platforms like <em>Quizizz</em>, <em>Wordwall</em>, and <em>Kahoot!</em> in supporting independent Arabic vocabulary learning. Comparative and descriptive analyses evaluate each platform's features, strengths, and weaknesses. The findings indicate that <em>Wordwall</em> is the most effective platform for Arabic vocabulary learning. Although less popular than <em>Quizizz</em> and <em>Kahoot!</em>, <em>Wordwall</em> offers interactive templates and a user-friendly design, making it ideal for independent vocabulary practice. Students can engage in practice more efficiently without requiring additional assistance, while the platform also provides a more engaging and effective learning experience. Despite challenges such as the need for a stable internet connection, <em>Wordwall</em> is still considered the best medium for this type of learning. Therefore, <em>Wordwall</em> is recommended as the primary platform for independent learning of Arabic vocabulary using Arabic loanwords in Malay. Future research should further explore the strengths and weaknesses of each digital platform to provide more in-depth and comprehensive findings.</p>2024-11-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Numerik Ahada dan Wahada dalam Al-Quran [Numeric Affirmation of Ahada and Wahada in The Quran]2024-11-22T08:28:34+00:00Intan Nor Syahira Ahmadintansyahira20@gmail.comMd. Nor<p>Penyebutan elemen bilangan dalam al-Quran merupakan satu dimensi penting. Ia berfungsi dan mempunyai peranan terutama untuk memahami setiap ayat-ayat al-Quran. Namun, kefahaman berkenaan penggunaan dan penyebutan setiap elemen bilangan dalam ayat kurang mendapat perhatian dikalangan pengkaji. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis lafaz <em>ahada</em> dan <em>wahada</em> dalam al-Quran dari perspektif retorik. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pembacaan teks dan analisis dokumen. Seterusnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan interpretasi. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa penyebutan dan penggunaan lafaz <em>ahada</em> dan <em>wahada</em> dalam al-Quran tidak menunjukkan makna bilangan sahaja bahkan penyebutannya juga berhubung kait dengan perbincangan retorik dalam al-Quran. Uslub penegasan (<em>taukid</em>) antara elemen retorik yang banyak digunakan menerusi kedua-dua lafaz <em>ahada</em> dan <em>wahada</em> dalam al-Quran.</p> <p>The mention of numerical elements in the Quran is an important dimension. It serves a significant role in understanding each verse of the Quran. However, the importance of the use and mention of each numerical element within the verses has received little attention among researchers. This article aims to analyze the terms <em>ahada</em> and <em>wahada</em> in the Quran from a rhetorical perspective. Data collection was conducted through text reading techniques and document analysis. Subsequently, the data was analyzed using an interpretative approach. The study found that the mention and use of the terms <em>ahada</em> and <em>wahada</em> in the Quran not only signify numeric meanings but also relate to rhetorical discourse within the Quran. The style of affirmation (<em>tawhid</em>) is one of the rhetorical elements frequently used through both terms <em>ahada</em> and <em>wahada</em> in the Quran.</p>2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Kerohanian Usahawan Melayu Berasaskan Prinsip Kerohanian Islam: Perspektif Usahawan Melayu Bertarekat [Spiritual Development of Malay Entrepreneurs Based on Islamic Spiritual Principles: The Perspective of Tariqah Malay Entrepreneurs]2024-11-22T08:58:26+00:00Abu Yazid Abdul Kadirabuyazid@gmail.comAhmad Fakhrurrazi Mohamed Edawati<p>Kehidupan usahawan Melayu pada hari ini masih belum benar-benar mengamalkan prinsip kerohanian Islam di dalam kehidupan seharian mereka. Setiap usahawan Melayu sebenarnya amat memerlukan lonjakan kerohanian untuk menguruskan perniagaan supaya memperolehi keuntungan yang diberkati, pendapatan yang halal, memiliki kehidupan yang sejahtera di dunia dan akhirat. Artikel ini memfokuskan kepada prinsip kerohanian Islam yang boleh diamalkan oleh seorang usahawan Melayu untuk menyejahterakan aktiviti perniagaan mereka. Artikel ini membincangkan kepentingan usahawan Melayu dalam membangunkan prinsip kerohanian Islam melalui sudut pandang amalan seorang ahli tarekat. Kajian ini turut menjadualkan perbezaan di antara usahawan Melayu yang bertarekat dengan usahawan Melayu yang tidak bertarekat melalui hubungan prinsip kerohanian Islam. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan kaedah temu bual dan analisis kandungan untuk penghasilan dapatan kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati prinsip kerohanian Islam memang wujud dalam diri seorang usahawan Melayu dan ternyata prinsip ini amat memerlukan bimbingan oleh seorang guru mursyid dari kumpulan tarekat yang muktabar. Amalan kerohanian usahawan Melayu bertarekat seperti suhbah, tazkiyah, zikir, selawat, dan solat dapat meningkatkan keyakinan diri dan memupuk akhlak yang beradab di dalam bidang keusahawanan. Di samping itu, pengkaji mencadangkan keperluan untuk kajian masa depan dalam mencari perbezaan antara usahawan Melayu bertarekat dengan usahawan Melayu yang tidak bertarekat.</p> <p>The lives of Malay entrepreneurs today have not yet really practiced the Islamic spiritual principles in their daily lives. Every Malay entrepreneur really needs a spiritual leap to manage his business to obtain blessed profits, halal income, and have a prosperous life in this world and the hereafter. This article focuses on Islamic spiritual principles that can be practiced by a Malay entrepreneur to make their business activities prosperous. This article discusses the importance of Malay entrepreneurs in developing the spiritual principles of Islam through the perspective of the practice of a tariqah member. This study also tabulates the difference between tariqah Malay entrepreneurs and Malay entrepreneurs through the relationship between Islamic spiritual principles. This study is a qualitative study that uses interview methods and content analysis to produce study findings. The results of the study found that the spiritual principles of Islam do exist in a Malay entrepreneur, and it turns out that this principle needs guidance by a mursyid teacher from an authoritative religious order. The spiritual practices of religious Malay entrepreneurs such as suhbah, tazkiyah, dhikr, salawat, and prayer can increase self-confidence and cultivate civilized morals in the field of entrepreneurship. In addition, the researcher suggests the need for future studies in finding differences between tariqah Malay entrepreneurs and Malay entrepreneurs.</p>2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) al-mali wa-al-idari llzwaya al-Sanusiyah wa-atharuhu fi Najah al-Da'wah al-Sanusiyah wa sur'ah intishariha fi Libiya2024-11-30T09:38:04+00:00Abdulmunem Ahmed Omar Alquraydabdalmnamalrgbany@gmail.comAdel M. Abdulaziz Al Ibrahim Engku Wok<p>The current study aims to analyse the financial and administrative system of the Sanusi zawiyas and the way it influenced the success and spread of the Sanusi da'wa in Libya. The study highlights the organizational and financial structure of the Sanusi zawiyas and their role in achieving the goals of the Sanusi movement and expanding its influence in the Libyan society. it adopts an analytical investigative approach to describe the events and historical facts related to the subject. The study problem focuses on elucidating the significant events in the history of the Sanusi movement in Libya to understand the administrative and financial mechanisms of the movement and their contribution to its rapid spread in Libya. it concludes that the financial and administrative system of the Sanusi zawiyas was a crucial element in the success and rapid spread of the Sanusi da'wa. The reliance on diverse funding sources, efficient financial management, and an effective administrative structure enabled the Sanusi zawiyas to achieve sustainability and success in their mission.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Bangunan Runtuh, Siapa Bertanggungan? Satu Pendekatan Perbandingan Mengikut Undang-Undang Malaysia dan Islam [Building Collapse Incident: Who is Liable? A Comparative Approach According to Malaysian and Islamic Laws]2024-11-13T13:35:43+00:00Abdul Basir<p>Kes runtuhan bangunan merupakan satu isu yang melibatkan pelbagai aspek seperti keselamatan awam, hak asasi manusia, tanggungjawab undang-undang dan siapa yang seharusnya bertanggungan. Di Malaysia, kes runtuhan bangunan seringkali terjadi sehingga melibatkan kehilangan nyawa, kecederaan tubuh badan dan juga kerugian harta benda. Dalam konteks Malaysia, antara undang-undang yang boleh dihubungkan kepada kes runtuhan bangunan ialah Akta Jalan, Parit dan Bangunan 1974 (Akta 133) dan Akta Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia 1994 (Akta 520). Dalam hal yang sama, undang-undang Islam juga memainkan peranan penting dalam membincangkan pihak yang bertanggungan dalam kes runtuhan bangunan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji beberapa kes runtuhan bangunan yang telah terjadi di Malaysia. Kemudian mengkaji peruntukan yang terdapat dalam statut undang-undang Malaysia serta membincangkan pihak yang bertanggungan menurut undang-undang Islam serta perundangan Malaysia. Kes-kes runtuhan bangunan yang melibatkan kehilangan nyawa, kecederaan dan kerosakan harta benda memberi implikasi kepada kedua-dua undang-undang sivil dan Islam yang menekankan keadilan dan ganti rugi kepada mangsa. Jika kecederaan atau kematian telah berlaku akibat runtuhan bangunan, pemilik bangunan itu hendaklah dikenal pasti. Siapa pemilik sebenarnya? Adakah dia pemilik sebenar bangunan atau termasuk juga pihak lain seperti kontraktor? Artikel ini ditulis dengan menggunakan metodologi kajian kepustakaan, yang berteraskan kaedah induktif, deduktif dan komparatif. Hasilnya, setelah dapat mengetahui siapa yang harus bertanggungjawab bagi sesuatu insiden runtuhan bangunan, maka tuntutan ganti rugi akan dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah dan pihak mangsa runtuhan akan mendapat pembelaan dengan adil.</p> <p>Building collapse incidents are issues that involve various aspects such as public safety, human rights, legal responsibility, and the determination of who should be held accountable. In Malaysia, building collapse cases often result in loss of life, bodily injury, and property damage. Relevant laws in Malaysia that can be associated with building collapse cases include the Streets, Drainage and Buildings Act 1974 (Act 133) and the Malaysian Construction Industry Development Board Act 1994 (Act 520). Similarly, Islamic law also plays an important role in discussing who should bear the responsibility in cases of building collapse. This paper aims to examine several building collapse cases that have occurred in Malaysia and analyze the provisions found in Malaysian statutory laws, while also discussing the parties responsible according to both Islamic and Malaysian law. Building collapse incidents that result in loss of life, injury, and property damage have implications under both civil and Islamic law, with both systems emphasizing justice and compensation for victims. In cases where injury or death occurs due to a building collapse, the owner of the building must be identified. Who is the actual owner? Is it the legal owner of the building, or does it also include other parties such as contractors? This paper is written using a library research methodology, based on inductive, deductive, and comparative approaches. The result of this study will help identify who should be held liable for a building collapse incident, thereby facilitating the process of compensation claims, ensuring that the victims receive fair justice and redress.</p>2024-12-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) dan Strategi dalam Memperkasakan Pengajian al-Quran Braille dalam Kalangan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) Penglihatan [Challenges and Strategies in Empowering Braille al-Quran Education among Visually Impaired Individuals]2024-11-20T08:49:16+00:00Mohammad Haafiz Aminuddin Mohd Dzar Razif Haiqal Fitri Ahmad<p>Pengajian al-Quran Braille merupakan pembelajaran khas bagi golongan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) di Malaysia. Penggunaan al-Quran Braille amat penting bagi memudahkan akses individu cacat penglihatan mendalami kandungan al-Quran. Namun, pelaksanaan pengajian al-Quran Braille mempunyai kekangan dan cabaran dalam mengadakan sesi pembelajaran yang menumpukan golongan OKU penglihatan secara sistematik. Kekurangan tenaga pelatih yang mahir dan alatan Braille dalam pengajaran al-Quran Braille amat terhad dan tinggi harganya membuktikan halangan dalam pembelajaran al-Quran Braille mengekang lagi pelaksanaannya. Justeru, strategi memperkasakan pengajian al-Quran Braille dalam kalangan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) perlu digiatkan. Artikel ini menggunakan kajian kualitatif melalui analisis dokumen beberapa sumber primer dan sekunder. Artikel ini juga menggunakan kaedah deduktif dan tematik untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil kajian mendapati strategi memperkasakan pengajian al-Quran Braille merupakan solusi dalam memperkasakan pengajian al-Quran Braille dalam kalangan OKU penglihatan. Strategi memperkasakan pengajian al-Quran Braille perlu ditingkatkan agar kesedaran awam dan infrastruktur pembelajaran yang inklusif bagi menumpukan kepada golongan OKU penglihatan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan komprehensif. Usaha kolaboratif daripada pelbagai termasuk pihak yang berautoriti perlu digagas supaya pendidikan al-Quran terhadap individu yang cacat penglihatan dapat dilaksanakan dengan sistematik yang berkesan.</p> <p>The study of the Braille al-Quran is a specialized educational program for individuals with disabilities (OKU) in Malaysia. The use of the Braille al-Quran is crucial for facilitating access for visually impaired individuals to deepen their understanding of the al-Quran's content. However, the implementation of Braille al-Quran education faces constraints and challenges in conducting systematic learning sessions focused on the visually impaired. The shortage of skilled trainers and the limited and costly Braille equipment for teaching the Braille al-Quran further hinder its implementation. Therefore, strategies to empower Braille al-Quran education among the visually impaired need to be intensified. This article employs a qualitative study through document analysis of several primary and secondary sources. It also utilizes deductive and thematic methods to analyze the data obtained. The study finds that empowering strategies for Braille al-Quran education are a solution to enhance its implementation among the visually impaired. These strategies need to be enhanced to ensure public awareness and inclusive learning infrastructure are effectively and comprehensively implemented for the visually impaired. Collaborative efforts from various parties, including authorities, need to be initiated to ensure that Quranic education for visually impaired individuals is systematically and effectively carried out.</p>2024-12-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani dalam Intelektualisme di Alam Melayu: Telaah Terhadap Kitab Matla’ al-Badrain wa Majma’ al-Bahrain [The Role of Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani in Intellectualism in the Malay World: A Study of the Book of Matla' al-Badrain2024-12-09T11:45:58+00:00Nurul Aimi Anis Mohd Nasir nurulaimianis@gmail.comFarid Mat<p>Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani (1260H/1844M) merupakan seorang ulama besar yang masyhur bukan sahaja di Patani malah juga di Alam Melayu. Menurut Zurita (2022) Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik mengajar keilmuan Islam melalui penulisan kitab jawi yang menjadi rujukan umat Islam. Kitab beliau iaitu <em>Matla’ al-Badrain wa Majma’ al-Bahrain</em> menjadi kitab fiqh yang paling banyak dirujuk oleh masyarakat sehingga ke hari ini (Amir 2016). Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahawa Sheikh Nik Mat bukan calang-calang ulama malah beliau dilihat berperanan penting dalam pembangunan intelektualisme orang Melayu. Makalah ini berusaha menganalisis latar belakang Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani sebagai seorang tokoh ulama terkenal tersebut, di samping itu, makalah ini juga meneliti sumbangan beliau dalam bidang intelektualisme Muslim melalui kitab terkenal beliau iaitu, <em>Matla’ al-Badrain wa Majma’ al-Bahrain</em>. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kualitatif bertunjangkan kepada kajian sejarah dan kajian analisis kandungan. Maklumat dan data bagi kajian ini dikumpulkan melalui kaedah analisis tekstual. Kaedah yang dipilih adalah untuk menjelaskan kajian dengan lebih baik melalui interpretasi sendiri terhadap sesuatu data daripada sumber yang dirujuk. Analisis data dibuat dengan menggunakan kaedah deskriptif. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani berjaya menjadikan keilmuan Islam sebagai sumber intelektual yang bersifat relevan khususnya melalui penulisan kitab <em>Matla’ al-Badrain wa Majma’ al-Bahrain</em>. Meskipun kajian mengenai beliau telah banyak dilakukan oleh sarjana, namun peranan beliau dalam bidang intelektualisme masih kurang dilakukan.</p> <p>Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani (1260H/1844AD) is a great scholar who is famous not only in Patani but also in the Malay world. According to Zurita (2022), Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik taught Islamic knowledge through the writing of the “Jawi book” which became a reference for Muslims. His book, <em>Matla' al-Badrain wa Majma' al-Bahrain</em>, is the fiqh book most referred to the community today (Amir 2016). This statement shows that Sheikh Nik Mat is not a mere scholar, in fact he is seen as playing an important role in the development of Malay intellectualism. This paper tries to analyze the background of Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani as a famous scholar, in addition, this paper also examines his contribution in the field of Muslim intellectualism through his famous book, Matla' al-Badrain wa Majma' al-Bahrain. This study uses a qualitative design supported by historical research and content analysis research. Information and data for this study were collected through the method of textual analysis. The chosen method is to better explain the study through own interpretation of some data from the referenced source. Data analysis was done using a descriptive method. The results of the study found that Sheikh Nik Mat Kecik Patani succeeded in making Islamic knowledge a relevant intellectual resource, especially through the writing of the book Matla' al-Badrain wa Majma' al-Bahrain. Although a lot of research on him has been done by scholars, his role in the field of intellectualism is still not done.</p>2024-12-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Introduction of Colonial Framework from Watanic Jurisprudence Analysis: A Case Study on The Malay States2025-01-06T04:22:42+00:00Wan Ahmad Fauzi Wan<p>Colonisation and decolonisation are popular research subjects, but they lack legal definitions. Colonisation brings the subject of colonialism that invites broader aspects of research. Most of the discussions about the impact of colonialism upon nation-states do not distinguish between sovereign and colonised states. This attitude is contagious from the habit of stereotyping that everything that came under British influence was colonised and under colonial rule. This is a qualitative study of legal history employing watanic jurisprudence analysis. The Malay states become a case study because the legal historical texts prove otherwise than what the public perceives. Hence, this article aims to construct the colonial framework from the perspective of international law. This study is essential because many writings employ the words ‘colony’, ‘colonisation’, ‘under colonial rule’, and ‘colonised states’ arbitrarily without first examining the legal position of any state, including the Malay states that were once under the influence of the British. The above attitude renders the study of many aspects of ‘the so-called colonised Malay states’ biased and constructed from the wrong foundation. In conclusion, there must be evidence of the transfer of internal sovereignty to a foreign authority to constitute a colonisation. From this premise, the Malay states were not colonised, and the sovereignty of the Malay rulers continues to this day as enshrined in Article 181(1) of the Federal Constitution.</p>2024-12-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Trends on Teaching Ability: A Bibliometric Perspective2024-12-15T08:56:57+00:00Yue Duduyue@student.usm.myHazri Jamilhazry@usm.mySiti Soraya Lin Abdullah<p>Research Purpose: This study maps teaching ability knowledge to provide a visual perspective on the challenges of adapting to evolving teaching practices and address the gap in the bibliometric analysis. This quantitative study employed bibliometric analysis to review 697 publications from the Web of Science Core Collection for the years 2019-2024. Utilizing VOSviewer and SCImago Graphica software’s, a knowledge graph was co-constructed to depict research dynamics on teaching ability to present the visualization map, including co-authorship, co-occurrence, and co-citation networks. The findings underscore China's significant contribution to the volume of publications in teaching ability, alongside the leadership of the USA in research institutions and collaborations. Future scholarly attention could prioritize teaching-effectiveness, teaching practice, professional development, organizational support, self-efficacy, and fostering national and institutional partnerships.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080) Keislaman dan Kesufian Martin Lings [Islamic and Sufi Books of Martin Lings]2024-12-19T07:40:08+00:00Nik Noraini Mohamad Daudniknoraininik@gmail.comNozira<p>Martin Lings merupakan seorang cendekiawan Inggeris yang banyak menghasilkan karya yang berkaitan dengan Tasawuf. Walau bagaimanapun, beliau yang lahir pada 1909 bukanlah berasal daripada keluarga yang beragama Islam. Namun, setelah memeluk Islam, beliau dikenali pula dengan nama Abu Bakar Sirajuddin. Tetapi, mungkin tidak ramai umat Islam yang mengenalinya kecuali di kalangan pelajar, pengkaji dan tokoh Islam. Justeru, kajian ini secara umumnya bertujuan untuk mengkaji Martin Lings dengan melengkapkan biografinya, pendidikan, kerjaya dan karyanya dalam pelbagai bidang terutama tasawuf. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian kualitatif iaitu menganalisis buku-buku dan artikel berkaitan dengan tajuk. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Martin Lings merupakan sarjana hebat dalam pelbagai bidang dan seharusnya, beliau dan karyanya perlu diketengahkan kepada masyarakat Islam khususnya agar mereka memperolehi banyak manfaat daripadanya.</p> <p>Martin Lings was an English scholar who had produced many works related to Sufism. However, he was born in 1909 and did not come from a Muslim family. However, after embracing Islam, he was also known as Abu Bakar Sirajuddin. But, maybe not many Muslims know him except among students, researchers and Islamic figures. Thus, this study generally aims to study Martin Lings by completing his biography, education, career and works in various fields, especially Sufism. This study uses a qualitative research approach, which is to analyze books and articles related to the topic. The results of the study found that Martin Lings was a great scholar in various fields and his appearance and his work should be highlighted to the Muslim community in particular so that they can benefit from it.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences (e-ISSN: 2600-9080)